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Bone Marrow Transplant Abroad

Details of international hospitals and medical centers performing Bone Marrow Transplant.

Guven Hospital

Founded in 1974, Ankara Güven Hospital provides health services at modern and international standards with its 1600 experienced staff, 254 beds, 12 operating rooms and an area of 40,000 square meters.

Our priority is patient confidence. We strive for excellence.

3 listed oncologists:

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Prof. Deniz Yamac

Medical Oncologist

Dr. Ilhami Unal

Radiation Oncologist


Procedure Prices

Bone Marrow Transplant

upon request

Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital

Florence Nightingale Hospital, founded in 1989, is a leading hospital network in Europe and the Middle East. It pioneered the region's first robotic surgery and liver transplant. Florence Nightingale operates four hospitals, treating over 300,000 patients annually.

3 listed oncologists:

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Prof. Cetin Ordu


Prof. Sefik Igdem

Radiation Oncologist


Procedure Prices

Bone Marrow Transplant

upon request

Anadolu Medical Center

Anadolu Medical Center, affiliated with Johns Hopkins Medicine, is highly specialized in complex Oncology Cases and Treatments

9 listed oncologists:

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Prof. Savas Kansoy, MD

Pediatric Hematology & Oncology Specialist // Head of Pediatric Hematology & Pediatric BMT


Procedure Prices

Bone Marrow Transplantation

23,600 - 66,000 US$

Sourasky Medical Center

The Oncology Institute serves a broad population of cancer patients from central Israel and throughout the country. The fast-track appointment service enables patients to be seen for their initial visit within 48 hours of contacting the institute.

4 listed oncologists:

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Prof. Ido Wolf

Head of Medical Oncology Division

Prof. Yehuda Kolander

Orthopedic Oncology Acting Director


Procedure Prices

Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT)

upon request

Rambam Medical Center

The Oncology Institute at Rambam Health Care Campus is a multi-disciplinary center for cancer treatment. It is certified by the European Society for Clinical Oncology (ESMO) as an integrated center for cancer treatment and support services, and is the only institute of its kind in Northern Israel.

11 listed oncologists:

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Dr. David Kakiashvili

Urologic Oncologist


Procedure Prices

Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT)

67,000 - 161,000 US$

Apollo Hospital Chennai

Apollo Specialty Cancer Hospital is an exclusive and well established hospital for Cancer care with an Oncology team that consists of the most renowned specialists and a well trained team of medical and paramedical professionals who are exclusively trained in cancer care.

19 listed oncologists:

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Procedure Prices

Bone Marrow Transplant

upon request

Herzliya Medical Center

A private hospital located on the shorelines of Herzliya, just off Tel Aviv, offering healthcare services to both local and foreign patients. The hospital is affiliated with over 500 Israeli physicians, many of whom hold high level positions at public hospitals.

5 listed oncologists:

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Dr. Guttman Live

General Surgery, Oncological Surgery


Procedure Prices

Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT)

upon request

Hospital San Jose TecSalud

A JCI accredited hospital, located 150 miles from the border with Texas, United States. The hospital is a full range tertiary care hospital, with five areas of excellence: Cardiology, Oncology, Neuroscience, Organ Transplant and Liver Disease.


Procedure Prices

Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT)

upon request

Centre Chirugical AMBROISE-PARÉ

In 2006, the clinic was acquired by an independent group Hexagone Hospitalisation, expanding and doubling its capacity to more than 200 beds.Clinique Ambroise Paré is a leader in chemotherapy, dialysis and In-Vitro Fertilization and is the first private facility


Procedure Prices

Bone Marrow Transplant

upon request

Hospital Médica Sur

Prestigious destination that conducts first class medical procedures.

Listed oncologists:

Dr. Eduardo Emir Cervera Ceballos

Director of Médica Sur Oncology Center

Dr. Daniel Motola Kuba

New Projects Coordinator at Médica Sur Oncology Center


Procedure Prices

Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT)

upon request

Cancer treatment centers (Page 1 of 2)

About Bone Marrow Transplant

This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Health-Tourism.com. Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

What is Bone Marrow Transplant?
Bone Marrow Transplant is a treatment therapy for cancer or diseases related to the bone marrow.
During bone marrow transplant, the donor’s or the patient’s stem cells of the bone marrow are extracted, filtered and given back to the patient. In this process, the unhealthy bone marrow will be eliminated and healthy bone marrow cells will be transfused.

Although bone marrow transplant is not a standard treatment, it is used in the treatment of leukemia, aplastic anemia, lymphoma, immune deficiency disorders, and some tumor cancers.

What are the different kinds of bone marrow transplant?
The three kinds of bone marrow transplants are as follows:

  • Autologous bone marrow transplant:
    The patient’s stem cells are removed before the patient receives chemotherapy and radiation. Once these treatments are performed, the stem cells are inserted back into the patient’s body. This transplant is known as a rescue transplant.
  • Allogeneic bone marrow transplant:
    The stems cells are removed from a donor.
  • Umbilical cord blood transplant:
    A newborn infant’s stem cells are removed from the umbilical cord right after birth. The stem cells are then stored and used until a transplant is needed.

How is bone marrow transplant performed?
  • A catheter is inserted into a vein in the patient’s chest, above the heart. Through the catheter, the patient is given drugs and other materials. Blood samples are also withdrawn through this catheter.
  • Once the patient is admitted to the bone marrow transplant unit, the conditioning or preparative regimen begins, in which the patient will have chemotherapy and radiation therapy for many days. This is required to eliminate unhealthy bone marrow and cancer cells. Space for new bone marrow is also created.
  • The patient will undergo a stem cell transplant through a process similar to blood transfusion.
  • A central venous catheter is used to deliver the stem cells into the patient’s bloodstream. The stem cells go into the bone marrow from the blood.
  • A bone marrow harvest is required to get bone marrow and stem cells from a donor. This may be done through a minor surgery in which the bone marrow is removed from the hip bones.

How to prepare for bone marrow transplant?
  • The patient is physically examined to determine if he or she is healthy enough to go through the bone marrow transplant procedure.
  • The patient’s age, disease, and stage of the disease are taken into account to determine if the patient should undergo the procedure.
  • A number of tests are conducted to examine the functions of the patient’s heart, lungs, kidneys and other vital organs. This is required to check if the functions of any of the organs are impaired after the transplant procedure.

Days admitted : The patient may be admitted in the hospital through out the treatment of chemotherapy, the duration of which may vary from patient to patient.

Anesthesia : If the patient requires a bone marrow harvest surgery, general anesthesia is administered.

Recovery : - The patient will receive anti-infection medications. - Blood transfusions may also be required. - The patient will need to be fed through an intravenous tube until the mouth sores are cured. - Medication to stop graft versus host disease is also provided. - After the patient is discharged from the hospital, the patient needs to continue home recovery for two to four months. - The patient cannot return to full-time work and normal activities before six months. - For the first several weeks the patient will be too weak to do anything apart from sleeping, sitting and walking inside the house.

Risks : The risks of bone marrow transplant depend on many factors like the type of bone marrow transplant, disease, age and health of the patient, etc. Some of the complications are as follows: - Bacterial, viral and fungal infections - Low platelets (thrombocytopenia) and low red blood cells (anemia) - Pain due to mouth sores and gastrointestinal irritation - side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatment - Overload of fluids resulting in pneumonia, liver damage and high blood pressure - Respiratory distress due to infection, inflammation, bleeding etc. in the lungs - Organ damage caused by infection, chemotherapy and radiation, graft versus host disease and fluid overload - Graft failure caused by infection , insufficient stem cell count and recurrent disease - Graft versus host disease (GVHD) affecting the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, skin, lungs and liver

After care : - The patient’s white blood cell counts are very low so the patient will be very vulnerable to infection. - The patient should avoid going to public places during the recovery period. - The patient may need to wear protective masks. - The patient needs to visit the hospital several times a week for monitoring, blood transfusions and medications. - Most patients feel that the quality of life is improved after bone marrow transplant.

Learn more about Bone Marrow Transplant

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