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Rio Dental


Juarez, Mexico

Rio Dental - Overview

Rio Dental is a dental care facility which caters mostly to American clients. The dental clinic is modern-day facility, staffed with licensed and trained dentists. Rio Dental specializes in providing special dental care, treatments and rehabilitation, including resin fillings, dentures, extractions, crowns, implants, veneers, root canals and whitening. Dental equipments used in the clinic are advanced, and only distilled water is utilized in the dental units. The clinic employs digital intra-oral cameras and x-ray machines as well.

Before any procedure, patients undergo full examination first and then will be diagnosed with the dental needs before given the treatment plan. Patients will be explained to with all the recommended procedures, and once agreed, the dentist will begin work right away. Full mouth restoration can be completed shortly even for just a week.

Rio Dental is located in Juarez, Mexico, and is just 15 minutes off the border at El Paso, Texas. The clinic offers free transportation from hotels in El Paso to the clinic, and can arrange for patient’s preferred accommodation as well. Patients will also be returned to their respective hotels.

The data provided in this page was collected from the Rio Dental  , and other internet sources. last updated on Mar 8, 2018.
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