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Headache & Facial Pain Specialists Abroad

Hospitals and medical centers who have Headache & Facial Painspecialists.

Anadolu Medical Center

Anadolu Medical Center is one of the most modern, comprehensive and respected hospitals in Turkey. Anadolu is affiliated with John Hopkins Hospital.


Headache & Facial Pain is available at Anadolu

Guven Hospital

Founded in 1974, Ankara Güven Hospital provides health services at modern and international standards with its 1600 experienced staff, 254 beds, 12 operating rooms and an area of 40,000 square meters.

Our priority is patient confidence. We strive for excellence.


Headache & Facial Pain is available at Guven Hospital

Vithas Xanit International Hospital

At Vithas Xanit International Hospital, we tackle the area of Neurosciences across all disciplines to cover all fields.


Headache & Facial Pain is available at Vithas Xanit International Hospital

Rambam Medical Center

The Department of Neurology diagnoses and treats diseases of the nervous system, including disorders of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, neuro-muscular junction, and muscle.


Headache & Facial Pain is available at Rambam Medical Center

Centros Especializados de San Vicente Fundación

Neurology department emerges in response to the growing impact of neurological diseases in the population.


Headache & Facial Pain is available at Centros Especializados

Hospital Velmar

Welcome to our Private Hospital, where a friendly and courteous team of medical specialists with a wealth of scientific knowledge and ethical standards is committed to taking care of your healthcare needs. Our goal is to provide unmatched medical care by constantly innovating and investing in the tr


Headache & Facial Pain is available at Hospital Velmar

Hospital Médica Sur

Prestigious destination that conducts first class medical procedures.


Headache & Facial Pain is available at Hospital Médica Sur

Sevenhills Hospital

SevenHills Group of Hospitals (SHHL) has been delivering Healthcare services at the highest level, since past 25 years. SevenHills Hospital, Mumbai, is a world class integrated Healthcare Delivery System, that provides comprehensive Healthcare...


Headache & Facial Pain is available at Sevenhills Hospital

Global Hospitals & Health City Chennai

The flagship hospital of the Global Hospitals Group, which operates eight hospitals throughout India. The modern 500 bed hospital was opened in 2009, and offers advanced medical and surgical treatment, including organ transplantation, cardiac surgey and neurosurgy.


Headache & Facial Pain is available at Global Hospitals & Health City Chennai

Raffles Hospital

A full service private hospital offering a comprehensive range of specialist services by a team of 200 physicians. 35-40% of the patients are foreigners, and there is a dedicated department for handling medical tourists.


Headache & Facial Pain is available at Raffles Hospital

Neurology centers (Page 1 of 2)

About Headache & Facial Pain

This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

Headache and Facial Pain

A headache is a continuous pain in the head. Facial pain is pain felt in the facial area which includes the eyes and mouth.

What causes facial pain?
  • Sinus infections (sinusitis): This is an inflammation of the tissue lining the sinuses
  • Deviated septum: This happens when the nasal septum (a thin structure separating the two sides of the nose) is not in the middle of the nose
  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders: These are problems affecting the muscles and joints which connect the skull to the jaw on both sides of the head.
  • Hypoparathyroidism: This is a rare condition which occurs when the parathyroid glands in the neck produce insufficient parathyroid hormone (PTH)
  • Salivary gland infections (sialadenitis): These occur when a viral or bacterial infection affects the salivary gland or duct.
  • Trigeminal neuralgia (TN): This is a condition which leads to intense pain in part or all of the face.
  • Temporal arteritis: This occurs when the temporal arteries become damaged or inflamed.
  • Mumps: This is a disease caused by a virus and is transmitted trough nasal secretions, saliva, and personal close contact. It is contagious.
  • Glaucoma: This is an eye condition which damages the optic nerve.
  • Acoustic neuroma: This is a benign tumor which grows on the nerve that connects your ear and your brain.
  • Fibromyalgia: This is a chronic disorder which results in widespread unexplained pain in the tender points in joints and muscles.
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS): This a chronic autoimmune disease which affects the central nervous system
  • Polymyalgia rheumatic: This is an inflammatory disorder which causes muscle stiffness and pain.

Primary Headache Syndromes
  • Migraine: This is a throbbing, unilateral pain
  • Cluster headache: This occurs as minutes to hours of severe unilateral temporal headache, which occurs in grouped attacks over several weeks to months.
  • Tension headache: This causes mild to moderate pain. The pain is usually bilateral and nonpulsatile.

Secondary Facial Pain and Headache
  • Secondary facial pain and headache are usually attributed to the following causes.
  • Vascular headache
  • Head trauma and neck trauma
  • Disorders of cranial and facial structures such as orbital pain, otalgia, cervical spine disorder
  • Substance abuse or withdrawal such as caffeine withdrawal
  • Oral cavity and craniomandibular pain
  • Nonvascular intracranial disorders such as hydrocephalus, tumor
  • Infection such as meningitis
  • Homeostasis disorders such as hypoxia, hypertension
  • Central and Idiopathic Facial Pain and Headache
  • Two main idiopathic disorders that cause a headache and facial pains are midfacial segment pain (a tension-type headache of the midrace) and atypical facial pain (a constant deep unilateral pain)

  • History: The doctor will ask you questions to try and diagnose the cause of a headache or facial pain. The doctor will ask about the onset, location, duration and relieving factors of the pain. They may also ask about you or your family’s medical history with conditions such as sinusitis, rhinitis, and hyposmia. A full list of medications in use should be given to the doctor.
  • Physical examination: The doctor will perform a comprehensive physical examination of the head and neck. This includes testing of trigger points, jaw clicks, palpation for points of tenderness and testing of the cranial nerves.
  • Imaging tests
  • Noncontrast CT of the sinuses
  • MRA
  • MRI


Treatment is usually determined by the possible causes of a headache or facial pain. In most cases, your doctor will consult with other specialists such as the otolaryngologist, neurologist, dentists and oral surgeons.

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