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Bladder Cancer Treatment Abroad

Details of international hospitals and medical centers which treat Bladder Cancer patients.

Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital

Florence Nightingale Hospital, founded in 1989, is a leading hospital network in Europe and the Middle East. It pioneered the region's first robotic surgery and liver transplant. Florence Nightingale operates four hospitals, treating over 300,000 patients annually.


Bladder Cancer is treated at Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital

3 listed oncologists:

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Prof. Cetin Ordu


Prof. Sefik Igdem

Radiation Oncologist

Guven Hospital

Founded in 1974, Ankara Güven Hospital provides health services at modern and international standards with its 1600 experienced staff, 254 beds, 12 operating rooms and an area of 40,000 square meters.

Our priority is patient confidence. We strive for excellence.


Bladder Cancer is treated at Guven Hospital

3 listed oncologists:

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Prof. Deniz Yamac

Medical Oncologist

Dr. Ilhami Unal

Radiation Oncologist

Herzliya Medical Center

A private hospital located on the shorelines of Herzliya, just off Tel Aviv, offering healthcare services to both local and foreign patients. The hospital is affiliated with over 500 Israeli physicians, many of whom hold high level positions at public hospitals.


Bladder Cancer is treated at Herzliya Medical Center

5 listed oncologists:

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Dr. Guttman Live

General Surgery, Oncological Surgery

Hospital San Jose TecSalud

A JCI accredited hospital, located 150 miles from the border with Texas, United States. The hospital is a full range tertiary care hospital, with five areas of excellence: Cardiology, Oncology, Neuroscience, Organ Transplant and Liver Disease.


Bladder Cancer is treated at Hospital San Jose TecSalud

Apollo Hospital Chennai

Apollo Specialty Cancer Hospital is an exclusive and well established hospital for Cancer care with an Oncology team that consists of the most renowned specialists and a well trained team of medical and paramedical professionals who are exclusively trained in cancer care.


Bladder Cancer is treated at Apollo Hospital Chennai

19 listed oncologists:

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Raffles Hospital

A full service private hospital offering a comprehensive range of specialist services by a team of 200 physicians. 35-40% of the patients are foreigners, and there is a dedicated department for handling medical tourists.


Bladder Cancer is treated at Raffles Hospital

3 listed oncologists:

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Dr. Lynette Ngo Su Mien

Breast and gynaecologic cancers, psychosocial oncology and palliative medicine

Dr. Donald Poon Yew Hee

Medical Oncology

Centre Chirugical AMBROISE-PARÉ

In 2006, the clinic was acquired by an independent group Hexagone Hospitalisation, expanding and doubling its capacity to more than 200 beds.Clinique Ambroise Paré is a leader in chemotherapy, dialysis and In-Vitro Fertilization and is the first private facility


Bladder Cancer is treated at Centre Chirugical AMBROISE-PARÉ

Sevenhills Hospital

SevenHills Group of Hospitals (SHHL) has been delivering Healthcare services at the highest level, since past 25 years. SevenHills Hospital, Mumbai, is a world class integrated Healthcare Delivery System, that provides comprehensive Healthcare...


Bladder Cancer is treated at Sevenhills Hospital

3 listed oncologists:

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Dr. Indoo Ambulkar

Consultant in Medical Oncology

Dr. Chetan Shah

Consultant Surgical Oncologist

Hospital Médica Sur

Prestigious destination that conducts first class medical procedures.


Bladder Cancer is treated at Hospital Médica Sur

Listed oncologists:

Dr. Eduardo Emir Cervera Ceballos

Director of Médica Sur Oncology Center

Dr. Daniel Motola Kuba

New Projects Coordinator at Médica Sur Oncology Center

Cancer treatment centers (Page 1 of 1)

About Bladder Cancer Treatment

This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Health-Tourism.com. Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

What is bladder cancer?

Bladder cancer has better prognosis if it is detected and treated early. Various treatment options are available but, the choice depends mainly on the stage and grade of the cancer.

What are the treatment options for bladder cancer?

The choice of treatment usually differs in various stages and includes surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy.

  • Surgery: Bladder cancer present in the inner surface of bladder can be removed by cystoscopy called as transurethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT). The tumor which has grown into the bladder wall needs to be removed by cystectomy in which a part (partial cystectomy) or whole (radical cystectomy) of the bladder is removed.
  • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy uses strong and powerful drugs to destroy bladder cancer cells and help prevent the recurrence. Mitomycin C is instilled inside the bladder after the TURBT. The commonly used chemotherapy drugs for the treatment of bladder cancer include methotraxate, vinblastine, doxorubicin and cisplatin. Chemotheray helps in treating the bladder cancer that spreads beyond the bladder to other organs or lymph nodes.
  • Radiation therapy: It can be used alone or in combination with chemotherapy. It uses high-dose x-rays or other high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells.
  • Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy causes the body’s own defence mechanism to attack against the cancer cells. Bacilli Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is a substance that stimulates immune system and is used in the bladder cancer. Immunotherapy is used mainly in the early stages of bladder cancer or following cystoscopic removal of cancer to prevent the recurrence of cancer cells.

What is the success rate of bladder cancer treatment?

Superficial bladder cancer recurs in 30%-40% of the cases. Mitomycin C used immediately after TURBT decreases the chances of cancer recurrence within first two years after surgery.

Days admitted : Usually 3- 5 days

Anesthesia : General anesthesia

Risks : Risks are associated with the type of procedures involved: bleeding, infection, pain in surgery, urinary continence problems in total cystectomy, nausea or vomiting, reaction to medicines in chemotherapy, anesthesia related risks

After care : Regular follow up is required to determine the control of bladder cancer or any further spread or recurrence.

Learn more about Bladder Cancer

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