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Hospital Velmar


Ensenada, Mexico

Hospital Velmar - Overview

Welcome to Hospital Velmar…


We want to make your stay at our hospital as comfortable as possible. Our goal is to provide you with the most cutting-edge and all-inclusive healthcare services in the city while upholding the highest standards of quality and employing a medical staff of the highest calibre. We also pledge to provide you with the utmost security during your treatment.


We extend a hearty greeting to you on behalf of the physicians, nurses, and entire staff of hospital Velmar, and we appreciate your faith in our organisation.


We are Ensenada's largest private hospital.


We provide the most up-to-date amenities and highly skilled personnel. We were founded in 2000 with the goal of innovating in the private care industry.

In the city, we have the biggest hospital. Additionally, SINACEAM, a programme developed in cooperation with Joint Commission International, has certified us. Being the leaders in the area for high-quality healthcare, we provide some of the best in the nation with our highly skilled medical team and prestigious facilities.


We are Ensenada's largest private hospital.


With over 40 medical specialists, the most comprehensive medical staff in the city, cutting-edge equipment, and a 24-hour emergency room, our hospital offers it all.


Spanning more than 4000 square meters and five stories.


Featuring the most cutting-edge medical technology available in the city and built with a health center's needs in mind, it satisfies the strictest requirements for security and hygiene.


There are 25 private rooms with air conditioning, wifi, phone, TV, and restrooms.

Three operating rooms, a recovery area, a maternity ward, and a central sterile department are all part of the surgical unit.

Completely furnished emergency room providing expert medical treatment All the time.

Benchmark Organization


To deliver the highest caliber of healthcare, we have assembled the city's most cutting-edge and contemporary facilities along with the best medical specialists.


Recognize Our Medical Personnel


We dedicate an entire area of our website to introducing our doctors since we believe that professional interaction between patients and doctors is essential.


  • Transportation services
  • Personal escort available
  • Private nurse available
  • Flight arrangements
  • Electronic medical records
  • Insurance coordination
  • Interpreters available on demand


  • Family members can stay with patient
  • Accommodation arrangements
  • Vegetarian food
  • Special order food


  • Private Rooms
  • Cafeteria/restaurant
  • Recovery facilities
  • Phone in rooms
  • Internet connection
  • Pharmacy


  • English
  • Spanish


  • Doctors have liability insurance
  • Hospitals has liability insurance


  • Number of doctors: 75
  • Number of beds: 25
  • Year established: 2004
The data provided in this page was provided by Hospital Velmar  or it's represetatives. last updated on Mar 28, 2025.
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