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Veni Vidi Eye Health Center


Istanbul, Turkey

Dr. Sultan Kaya Unsal, MD

Dr. Sultan Kaya Unsal, MD

Ophthalmology Specialist and Surgeon
at Veni Vidi Eye Health Center
Speciality Cataract Surgery
Laser Treatment
Languages English, Turkish
1 – Kaya Unsal S Helvacıoğlu F, Sunay E; Chronic lymphocytic leukemia manifested as lower lid mass, Turkish Ophthalmological Association, 53rd National Ophthalmology Congress, Antalya (November 6-10, 2019)
2 – Helvacıoğlu F, Sunay E, Kaya Unsal S, Kavalcıoğlu Ö; Comparing posterior capsule opacity and YAG capsulotomy ratios in patients with two different hydrophobic intraocular lenses. , Turkish Ophthalmological Association 53rd National Ophthalmology Congress, Antalya (November 6-10,2019)
3 – Sunay E Helvacıoğlu F, Kaya Unsal S, Kavalcıoğlu Ö; Early outcomes of recently implanted posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens, , Turkish Ophthalmological Association 53rd National Ophthalmology Congress, Antalya (November 6-10,2019)
4 – Kaya Unsal S Helvacıoğlu F, Sunay E, Kavalcıoğlu Ö Visual, Refractive, Topografic and Wavefront Outcomes of Trans Photoreftactive keratectomy in Virgin Eyes 37.ESCRS Paris, France (14-18 September 2019)
5 – Sunay E Helvacıoğlu F, Kaya Unsal S, Kavalcıoğlu Ö Early outcomes of a new posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens in patients with high myopia 37.ESCRS Paris, France (14-18 September 2019)
6 – Helvacıoğlu F, Sunay E, Kaya Unsal S, Kavalcıoğlu Ö Postoperative visual performance with a bifocal and trifocal diffractive intraocular lens 37. ESCRS Paris, France (14-18 September 2019)
7 – Kaya Unsal S Helvacıoğlu F, Sunay E Pterygium excision with extended limbal conjunctival auto-grafting 36. ESCRS Viyana, Avusturya 2018 PRESENTED POSTER
8 – Kaya Unsal S Helvacıoğlu F, Sunay E; Evaluation of factors that play role in patient dissatisfaction after trifocal IOL implantation. Turkish Ophthalmological Association 52nd National Ophthalmology Congress, Antalya (November 13-18, 2018)
9 – Kaya Unsal S Helvacıoğlu F, Sunay E Case Report: Pseudoxanthoma elasticum, Turkish Ophthalmological Association 51st National Ophthalmology Congress, Antalya (October -24-29, 2017)
10 – Ka
Education Higher Education: Akdeniz University School of Medicine

Career Education: İzmir Bozyaka Education and Training Hospital
Professional Experience 13 years/ over 45.000 performed surgeries
Certifications 1 – Fakik iol certificate, Biotech,2019

2 – Certificate from Soft surgery ;plexr,needle shaping ve off system, 2016

3 – Radiesse certificate of expertise, 2015

4 – 2009 Certificate from Walter Nazaire OPHTEC BV about ARTISAN Aphakic IOL, May 26th

5 – 2006 Certificate From MD. A.M. Ahmed about ‘Ahmed Gloucoma Valve Implantation’ December 14 th

6 – 39th Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons, held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Memberships 1 – Turkish Ophthalmology Association

2 – Turkish Medical Association

3 – European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS)

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