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Veni Vidi Eye Health Center


Istanbul, Turkey

Dr. Ilhami Salcan, MD

Dr. Ilhami Salcan, MD

Ophthalmology Specialist and Surgeon
at Veni Vidi Eye Health Center
Speciality Cataract Surgery
Laser Treatment
Languages English, Turkish
A. Articles in International Medical Periodicals:
1. Aykan U, Salcan I, Yıldırım O, Ersanli D. «Selective laser trabeculoplasty induced changes in the thickness of ciliary body and iris evaluated by ultrasound biomicroscopy.» Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 249(6):887-94 (2011)
2. Salcan I, Aykan U, Yıldırım O, Kanık A. «A quantitative ultrasound biomicroscopy study of the biometry of the lens and anterior chamber» European J Ophthalmol, DOİ: 10.5301/ejo.5000013 (2011)

B. Oral and Written Speeches in International Scientific Conferences:
1. Salcan I, Aykan U, Ersanlı D. «The correlation angle opening distance, angle recess area and trabecular-iris angle in the quantitative evaluation of the anterior chamber angle by ultrasound biomicroscopy» European Glaucoma Society (EGS), 61, 12-17 Septmeber, Madrid, 2010
2. Totuk Ö.M., Salcan İ., Atalay M., Aykan Ü. Sectoral Ciliary Body Agenesis Complicated with Cataract Formation Diagnosed by Ultrasound Bio=microscopy Turkish Journal of Ophthalmoly2018; 48: 314-316
Education GATA University School of Medicine
Education and Research GATA Hospital, Haydarpaşa
Professional Experience 21 years / 25.000 performed surgeries
Certifications GATA Microsurgery Research and Training Center
GATA Emergency Medicine Workshop
Memberships Turkish Medical Associaton
Turkish Ophtalmological Association (TOP)
American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)
European Society of Ophthalmology
The European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS)
American Society of Catract and Refractive Surgery
Asia-Pasific Vitreo-retinal Surgeons
Awards Salcan İ, Aykan Ü, Yılmaz B. «Fakoemülsifikasyon ve Katlanabilir Göz İçi Lensi İmplantasyonu Sonrası Ön Segment Konfigürasyon Değişikliklerinin Ultrason Biyomikroskopi ile Değerlendirilmesi» (Evaluation of Anterior Segment Configuration Changes by Ultrasound Bio-microscopy After Phacoemulsification and Foldable Intraocular Lens Implantation) TOD 33.

Ophthalmology Workshop 29-31 March 2013, Ankara. Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology Best Article Award (1st Place).

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