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Medical Tourism to Peru

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Peru’s current healthcare system has a long and complex history. During the pre-colonial times, European conquistadors invaded Peru, bringing along diseases with them that the Inca people had no immunity to fight. Much of Peru’s population was wiped out during this invasion, which marked a crucial turning point for Peruvian healthcare. Peru gained their independence and the country’s healthcare concerns focused on the disparity in care between the rich and the poor, as well as between populations located in rural vs urban areas.

Five divisions administer the healthcare system in modern Peru:

1. Ministry of Health2. EsSalud3. Armed Forces4. National Police5. Private sector

Peru Healthcare System

In 2009, the Peruvian Ministry of Health (MINSA) passed a Universal Health Insurance Law as a means to provide universal health coverage for its citizens. This law mandated a health insurance system, as well as automatically registering every citizen living in extreme poverty under Integral Health Insurance. As a result of these initiatives, healthcare coverage among the Peruvian population has soared to over 80%.

When traveling to Peru for medical services, it is strongly advised that you seek care in one of their private facilities as opposed to having the procedure done through a public hospital.

Peru currently has five facilities accredited by the Join Commission International. These include:

1. Clinica Anglo Americana (British American Hospital)
2. Clinica Internacional S.A. – Sede Lima
3. Clinica Internacional S.A. – Sede San Borja
4. Clinica San Gabriel SAC
5. Clinica San Pablo SAC

Top hospitals for medical tourism in Peru

  • Diospi Suyana: Founded in 2007, Diospi Suyana means “Trust in God” in the local language of Quechua. Diospi Suyana is a Christian hospital located in southern Apurimac. The doctors and nurses working here have successfully served over 250,000 patients since opening their doors.
  • Yantalo International Clinic: Founded in 2005, the Yantalo International Clinic was built with a goal of improving health and health education throughout the region. The clinic operates on public contributions, either personal or financial.
  • Nuevo Hospital San Juan De Dios, Pisoco, Ica, Peru: The Nuevo Hospital aims to provide specialized and comprehensive care to the Peruvian population, as well as those traveling to Peru for medical services. They can assist with health risk identification, prevention, protection, recovery and rehabilitation.

Common treatments done by medical tourists in Peru

  • Dental Work
  • Cosmetic Surgery
  • Health Check
  • Diagnostic Scans
  • Gastronomy Procedures

Cost of medical treatments in Peru

The following are cost comparisons between Medical procedures in Peru and equivalent procedures in the United States:
Medical Procedures
ProcedureUS HospitalsPeruAverage Savings
Breast Implants$3,708$3,000
Root Canal$1,200$26977%

Malpractice and liability laws in Peru

MINSA is charged with protecting the personal dignity, promoting health, preventing disease, and ensuring comprehensive healthcare for all inhabitants of the country. MINSA also does quite a bit of regulating in Peruvian healthcare, including the review and recommendation on malpractice and liable claims.


  • Low Cost

    Procedures and services in Peru are financially feasible. When compared to rates for identical procedures in Canada, UK, and the USA, Peru offers rates that cannot be beaten.
  • JCI Accredited

    Five facilities currently hold the prestigious JCI accreditation, and many others are working to achieve that same level of recognition.
  • English is spoken by the general public

    Peru is an English speaking country. Even when locals communicate with each other, approximately 88% of them converse in English.


  • Language Barrier

    Unless you speak Spanish or Quechua, you might have a difficult time in Peru. English is highly uncommon outside major cities. Plan ahead and leave plenty of time for traveling or, ideally, bring along a translator. Although most people can understand English enough to know what you’re asking, very few fluently speak the language.
  • Concept of Time

    This might come as a blessing to some, but Peruvians are not known for being punctual. Do not expect things to be on time or exactly as they were intended to be.
  • Infectious Diseases

    The risk of contracting an infectious disease in Peru is generally regarded as being high. Common ailments include waterborne bacteria, hepatitis, typhoid fever, malaria, yellow fever, and leptospirosis.

Traveling to Peru

Average estimated travel time in hours
New York8
Los Angeles9

Entry and exit requirements to Peru

Peru entry and exist requirement state that a valid passport (6 month validity remaining) is required in order to visit any location in the country. There are no specified immunization requirements, but it is recommend that you get the Yellow Fever vaccination prior to arriving in Peru. In some instance authorities also require evidence of plans to return/onward travel.

Statistics for medical tourism in Peru

The MTA – Medical Tourism Association – estimates that around one million Americans headed overseas last year for purposes or medical tourism. The date from the MTA also shows that Medical Tourism in Peru has blown up over the last five years, with roughly 250,000 people traveling to Peru as ‘medical tourists’ all looking for excellent medical treatments at a lower rate than what they would pay in their native country.

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