UPMC Hillman Cancer Center - Overview
The Hillman Cancer Center wasestablished in 2013 through a collaboration between UPMC Italy and San PietroFatebenefratelli, an Italian hospital with 500 beds known for state-of-the-art radiotherapytechnology since 1996. In 2009, its first linear accelerator—delivering3D-CRT—was inaugurated in the hospital's facilities. Following this, itinstalled an IMRT machine to provide patients with more advanced cancertreatment options.
In 2017, the Center earned accreditationfrom Joint Commission International (JCI), and became one of only threeJCI-accredited radiotherapy centers in Italy. This recognition is based on anextensive review of the center’s patient safety and quality standards - atestament to our commitment to excellence for all patients treated here.
Centers of Excellence
Quality & Safety
The UPMC (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center)cancer program is annually rated as one of the “Best of the Best” in the UnitedStates by the U.S. News and World Report’s Honor Roll.
We work together as a team of doctors, physicists,radiotherapy technicians, nurses and administrative staff to ensure thatpatients receive high-quality and reliable treatments.
Highest Quality Maintenance Standard
The UPMC oncology network is affiliated with theUniversity of Pittsburgh. Together with this association, the organizationshave published more than 5,700 research studies.
International Patients
The UPMC Hillman Cancer Center network provides thehighest standard of care to more than 113,000 patients every year in 60locations throughout the United States and Europe. A certain part of theoncology network in Italy includes the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center in San PietroFBF.
Highest Level of Service, LatestTechnology
UPMC Hillman Cancer Center at San Pietro FBF providescancer cases the occasion to admit innovative radiation treatments, includingstereotactic radiosurgery. TrueBeam™ STx, the most advanced linear acceleratoron the market today, is available at our UPMC San Pietro FBF and allows forshorter treatments with minimal side effects by delivering high doses ofradiation more quickly. Using the radiotherapy techniques available at UPMC SanPietro FBF, it is possible to treat tumors that are primary and secondary orrecurrent anywhere in the body.
Partnerships and Agreements
The UPMC Hillman Cancer Center at San Pietro FBF has agreements withseveral insurance companies to provide medical treatment coverage. Alltreatments offered at the center are performed on an outpatient basis. Treatmentsare painless and do not require special medications.
Medical staff follow patients and work intimately with a team ofspecialists in varied areas including Neurosurgery, Medical and SurgicalOncology, Medical Physics, Pathology, Diagnostic Radiology, Nursing, Nutrition,and Psychology.
UPMC Hillman Cancer Center at San PietroFBF Advanced Radiotherapy Center has several funding agreements with insurancecompanies to cover medical treatments, including:
Services Available
The UPMC Hillman Cancer Center in San Pietro offersadvanced radiotherapy treatments to its patients, who have been affected byneoplasms anywhere on their bodies—with extremely high levels of care andsensitivity.
Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)
Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) is an improved treatmentallowing for radiation doses to conform more clearly to the area to be treated,and minimizing damages to adjacent healthy tissues.
IMRT is provided by a continuous and uniform rotationof the linear accelerator. This rotation is also known as density-modulated arctherapy or "RapidArc". This method allows the radiation dose to bedelivered to the tumor more smoothly and effectively and requires a shortertreatment session.
Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT)
The Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) systemlocated in the center increases the sensitivity of the treatment. During theentire period of treatment, IGRT takes into account all body movements—eveninvoluntary ones like breathing and pulse—that can affect the location of atumor.
Intracranial Radiosurgery/Stereotactic Body RadiationTherapy (SBRT)
These advanced radiation therapy techniques allow highdoses of radiation to be delivered with great accuracy and precision, causingcell death. Intracranial radiosurgery is used for benign and malignant diseasesin the brain, while SBRT is used for diseases located outside the brain. Our linear accelerator, Varian's TrueBeam™ STx, is a specialized anddedicated device for radiosurgery.
Oncological Diseases Available at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center at SanPietro FBF
• Pancreatic Cancer
• Cancer of the Head and Neck
Head and Neck Cancers TreatmentsInclude:
🞄 Tumors of the Oral Cavity
🞄 Larynx
🞄 Rhinopharynx
🞄 Hypopharynx
🞄 Oropharynx
🞄 Thyroid
🞄 Parotid
• Central Nervous System (CNS)
• Prostate Cancer
• Liver Cancer
The data provided in this page was collected from the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center
and other internet sources.
last updated on Feb 1, 2025.
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