Pattaya Lasik Center - Overview
Whether you want to attempt to free yourself from dependence on glasses or contact lenses for reasons of occupation, recreation, social opportunities, or improved activities of daily living, refractive surgery can be helpful and provide you a "NEW VIEW OF THE WORLD".
Individuals consider the option of refractive surgery and LASIK for a variety of very personal reasons.While LASIK does not promise perfect vision, it does hold the promise of reducing one's dependence on contact lenses or glasses, which will allow many people to more freely pursue their hobbies, sports activities or career options.
Sports Enthusiasts - from weekend warrior to professional athlete, many wish to be reduce their need for contacts or glasses for safety or performance reasons. Mothers of Young Children - many women express concern about the safety of their children if they should lose their glasses or contact lenses -- while playing in the surf or trying to escape a burning building, for example.
LASIK may even reduce the anxiety produced by simple tasks, like finding one's way through the house at night. Frequent Travelers - for those who spend a considerable amount of time on the road, being less dependent on glasses or contacts promises numerous advantages, from safety (ability to read evacuation signs) to convenience (less to pack).
The data provided in this page was collected from the Pattaya Lasik Center
and other internet sources.
last updated on Mar 8, 2018.
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