Hadassah University Medical Center - Overview
Hadassah is a tertiary medical centre and as such has all medical expertise and all sub specialties practiced today in medicine. Hadassah was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for 2005.
Hadassah in Numbers:
• 2 Hospitals
• 30 Operating Rooms
• 1,200 Beds
• 5,500 Employees
• 700 Physicians
• 1,600 Nurses
Hadassah University medical centers are hosting dozens of medical experts every year in various fellowship and training programs as well as thousands of international patients seeking for top super specialized academic medical treatment.
Services to internations patients
Hadassah University medical centers established a special international arm built specially for the new emerging global health-care requirements:
- providing first medical assessment in 5 different languages
- provide clear and accurate medical plan
- provide door to door logistic support
- provide emergency evacuation with a dedicated air ambulance ready to fly with a trained Hadassah intensive care team 7 days 24 hours to any destination around the globe
- Tele-Radiology and video conference technology available for doctors and patients in need for super specialized experts.
Hadassah Medical Organization has 2 locations in Jerusalem, Israel:
- Hadassah Ein kerem Hospital
This 800-bed tertiary care hospital deals with virtually every conceivable aspect of modern medicine and serves as a national referral center for the most complex and challenging medical cases. With more than 130 departments and clinics, the Ein Kerem location provides the most advanced diagnostic and therapeutic services as well as attending to the daily needs of the local population, serving the national population and providing sophisticated treatment for international patients. The extensive campus of Hadassah University Medical Center at Ein Kerem contains over 22 buildings, including outstanding research facilities and the 5 schools of medicine, nursing, dentistry and public health.
- Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital
This 400-bed Mt. Scopus location serves the heavily populated neighborhoods of northern and eastern Jerusalem, with over 30 departments and clinics. It also houses the famous and highly reputation Guggenheim Rehabilitation Center, the Rosalie Goldberg Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and the Ina and Jack Kay Hospice, which provides supportive care and outreach homecare for the terminally ill.
Departments and specialty centers at Hadassah University Medical Center
- Accommodation arrangements
- Private Rooms
- Cafeteria/restaurant
- Recovery facilities
- Phone in rooms
- Internet connection
- English
- French
- Russian
- Greek
- Hebrew
- Romanian
- Ukrainian
- Number of doctors: 850
- Number of beds: 1200
- Year established: 1912
The data provided in this page was provided by Hadassah University Medical Center
or it's represetatives.
last updated on Mar 9, 2025.
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