Clínica do Dragão - Espregueira-Mendes - Overview
Clínica do Dragão - Espregueira-Mendes is a clinic that is specializes in the human musculoskeletal system. The clinic has an experienced and dedicated team of doctors, nurses and therapists that provide treatment and consultations in orthopedics and traumatology, sports traumatology, physical medicine, rheumatology, podiatry, physiotherapy and more.
Located in Porto, Portugal, Clínica do Dragão - Espregueira-Mendes has a strong reputation in sports medicine. It is FIFA Medical Center of Excellence where both amateur and professional athletes receive treatment, such as Futebol Clube do Porto.
The clinic strives to be open and accessible to all and provides assistance with insurance coordination.
Specialties at Clínica do Dragão - Espregueira-Mendes
- Transportation services
- Personal escort available
- Electronic medical records
- Insurance coordination
- Accommodation arrangements
- English
- French
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- Doctors have liability insurance
- Hospitals has liability insurance
- Number of doctors: 110
- Year established: 2006
The data provided in this page was provided by Clínica do Dragão - Espregueira-Mendes
or it's represetatives.
last updated on Aug 3, 2022.
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