Search Medical Centers

General Medicine

Hospitals and medical centers who have General Medicine specialists.

Sourasky Medical Center

Each clinic and institute prides itself on remaining on the cusp of medical developments and dynamically developing new areas of expertise to accommodate ever-evolving needs.This approach includes continually introducing progressive technologies and therapeutic protocols at the forefront of medicine

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Bangkok Anti-Aging Center

Bangkok Anti-Aging Center is an integrative medical center which fulfills the modern lifestyle of health-concerned individuals. We emphasize the implementation of holistic medicine, which focuses on investigating the root cause of the disease rather than merely treating the symptoms.

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Hospital Velmar

Welcome to our Private Hospital, where a friendly and courteous team of medical specialists with a wealth of scientific knowledge and ethical standards is committed to taking care of your healthcare needs. Our goal is to provide unmatched medical care by constantly innovating and investing in the tr

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Rambam Medical Center

Patients at Rambam Health Care Campus requiring diagnosis, treatment, and/or clinical follow-up are hospitalized in this department.

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