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Hospital Dr. López Cano


Cádiz, Spain

Bariatric Surgery at Hospital Dr. López Cano

Base prices are in Euro, last updated on Dec 6, 2023.

  • Prices in other currencies are calculated according to the current exchange rates.
  • Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
  • Please check with Hospital Dr. López Cano about current prices, limitations, extra charges etc.
Procedures Price

Apollo method (endoscopic sleeve)



Endoscopic technique performed under general anaesthesia. It is included: admission (1 night), Operating theratre, medical fees, materials, nursing and international department assistance (translation, interpretation, 24/7 support)

Gastric Balloon (6 months)



Endoscopic, non-invasive technique. It is included: placement of the balloon and its removal under anaesthetic control on a day hospital basis. Operating theratre, medical fees, materials and nursing , international department assistance (translation, interpretation, 24/7 support)

Sleeve Gastrectomy



Laparoscopic technique performed under general anaesthesia. It is included: admission (2 nights), Operating theratre, medical fees, materials, nursing and international department assistance (translation, interpretation, 24/7 support)

Bariatric Surgery - any other procedure / treatment


The data provided in this page was provided by Hospital Dr. López Cano  or it's represetatives. last updated on Mar 10, 2020.
Please read our disclaimer. If you have found any errors or missing data, please inform us.

Bariatric surgeons Staff at Hospital Dr. López Cano

Dr. López-cano

Gastroenterologist. Founder of Grupo Médico López-Cano

Dr. Yolanda Jiménez Martínez

Gastroenterologist and endoscopist

Dr. Rafael Gómez

Bariatric Surgeon

Dr. Rafael León

Gastroenterologist and endoscopist

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