Visiting Clinician in the Department of Thoracic Sugeryin Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Cornell University, New York USA 11/22/1997-02/07/1998
Visiting Clinician in Department of Cardiothorocic Surgery in Massachusetts General Hospital, Deaconess Hospital and Children's Hospitals of Hardvard Medical School, Boston USA 06/16/1996-12/12/1999
Resident in Thoracic Surgery, Marmara University, Department of Thoracic Surgery Istanbul, Turkey, 07/01/1994-04/20/1999
Medical Education, Marmara University,Turkey 09/1986-11/1993
Electronic Technician, Bakirkoy Technician High School in Electronics, Istanbul, Turkey 09/1982-11/1985
Current Position:
Associate Professor of Thoracic Surgery, Chief of Department of Thoracic Surgery, Yeditepe University Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey, 10/2005 to date
Previous Position Held:
Clinical Instructor and faculty in Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA, 05/01/2004- 09/21/2005
Clinical Fellow in Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA, 07/01/2001-06/30/2003 Clinical Fellow in Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, AZ, USA, 07/01/2001-06/30/2002
Clinical Fellow in Department of Thoracic Surgery, Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, USA, 06/26/1999-06/30/2001
Staff Thoracic Surgeons in Marmara Univeristy, Department of Thoracic Surgery Istanbul, Turkey, 04/21/1999-06/20/1999 |