Indraprastha Apollo Hospital
New Delhi, India
Dr. Umashankar Nagaraju
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital
Aesthetic Dermatology |
- MBBS, Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore, 1998.
- MD, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, 2002. |
Professional Experience
- Consultant, Department of Dermatology, Apollo Hospitals Bangalore. |
- Fellowship of British Association of Dermatologists (BAD).
- Fellowship of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists. |
- First Prize in Quiz Competition 65th annual conference, Karnataka-Tamilnadu branch, IADVL-2001, Salem, India.
- MGM Award for Best Paper Presentation in National Conference of Indian Association of Dermatoligists, Venereologists and Leprologists(IADVL), Chennai, India.
- IADVL-BAD (British Association of Dermatologists Exchange Fellowship) Award, 2007, UK, Participated in BAD National Conference, 2007, Birmingham.
- International League Dermatologists Society (ILDS) Scholarship Awardee 2007 and Presented a Scientific paper during World Congress of Dermatology (WCD), 2007, Argentina.
- International Congress of Dermatology(ICD) Scholarship Awardee 2009 and represented India and presented a scientific paper during ICD Meet 2009, Prague, Czeck Republic. |