1980 Medical studies, Medical Academy Kraków, AM
1986 Teaching Department of Children Surgery of Children's Hospital in Kielce
1990 1st degree of specialisation in children surgery
1993 General Surgery Department of the Provincial Hospital in Tarnów
1994 One year specialisation internship in the Clinic of Children Surgery of the Polish-American Institute of Paediatrics in Kraków
1995 II degree of specialisation in children surgery
1996 - 2001 Work in and organisation of 2 children surgery departments in the towns, capitals of provinces, including the work as the head of the department
2001 Specialisation internships in Plastic Surgery Clinic in Warszawa
2004 The title of specialist in plastic surgery under supervision of Dr Jerzy Potocki, M D
2004 Central Clinic of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration in Warszawa
2005 Training course and joining the EAFPS [European Academy of Face Plastic Surgery]
2007 EAFPS training, Milan
2007 ALLERGAN ACADEMY PHASE 2, Breast Augmentation Surgery, Akademikliniken Stockholm
2008 Q-MED, training courses (MACROLANE), London/Warszawa |