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Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital


Istanbul, Turkey

Prof. Ahmet Tunc Ozdemir

Prof. Ahmet Tunc Ozdemir

at Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital
Speciality Urology, Robotic Surgery
Languages English, Turkish
About Areas of expertise:
- Stone Diseases
- Kidney Diseases

1. Z.Akbulut, AECanda, MFOzcan, AFAtmaca , ATOzdemir, MDBalbay, “Robot-assisted laparoscopic nerve-sparing radical cystoprostatectomy with bilateral extended lymph node dissection and intracorporeal studer pouch construction: outcomes of first 12 cases.”, J Endourol (ISI ) , 1469-79 pp., 2011
2. M.Kilic, ECSerefoglu, ATOzdemir, MDBalbay, “The actual incidence of papaverine-induced priapism in patients with erectile dysfunction following penile color Doppler ultrasonography.”, Andrologia, 1-4 pp., 2010
3. AFAtmaca, AECanda, ECSerefoglu, S.Altinova, ATOzdemir, MDBalbay, “The incidence and management of pleural injuries occurring during open nephrectomy.”, Adv Urol (ISI), 1-4 pp., 2009, DOI: 10.1155/2009 /948906
Full List of Publications
Education - 1998, Gazi University Faculty of Medicine
- 2004, Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital \ Urology Specialization Training
- 2011, European Oncology Institute, Milan, Italy \ Robotic Urology and Urooncology
- 2018, Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine \ Associate Professor
Professional Experience - 1999 – 2004, Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital / Research Assistant
- 2004 – 2005, Hakkari Yüksekova State Hospital / Specialist
- 2005 – 2006, Ardahan Military Hospital / Specialist
- 2006 – 2007, Ankara Kızılcahamam State Hospital / Specialist
- 2007 – 2009, Ankara Atatürk Training and Research Hospital / Specialist
- 2018, Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital / Urology, Associate Professor

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