Certifications and Accreditations:
- Co-Writer of The Book “Infertility and Reproductive Endocrinology Based on Evidences, Third Edition, Colombia 2007”. - Assistance to the International Congress of Gynecologic Laparoscopy, November 22-24, 2007. Bogota, Colombia. - Assistance to the IX Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Gynecologic Endoscopy, April 11- 14, 2007, Panama. - Assistance to the X Congress of Perinatology , FECOPEN, June 28- 30 2007, Colombia. - Assistance to the Congress of Hyperprolactinemia ( Antioquian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology ), October 20, 2006, Medellin, Colombia. - Assistance to the third Congress of actualization on obstetrics and gynecology, June 2007, Medellin, Colombia. - Assistance to the XV congress of Actualization on Obstetrics and Gynecology, Antioquian University, March 8-9, 2007, Medellín, Colombia. - Assistance to the first congress of Congenital Malformations, Hospital San Vicente de Paul, September 21, 2007, Medellín, Colombia. - Assistance to the sixth International congress of infertility SOLAMER ( Société Latine de Biologie et Médecine de la Reproduccion ), Cartagena, Colombia, January 29-31, 2007.) - Assistance to the Ninth Congress of Endocrinology, Medellín Colombia, May 17-20, 2007. - Assistance to the Workshop Hands-On: Office Hysteroscopy, Panama City, April 23 2006. - Assistance to the Workshop Hands-On: Gynecologic Laparoscopy, Held at the Oncology Hospital, March 16th, 2006. Panama. - Approved the test CAFA-FECASOG, required to be accredited as a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. - Vice Chair and Chair of Central America of the Junior Fellows of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2004-2005. - 2005 ACOG District Meeting, San Antonio Texas, USA. - 2004 ACOG District Meeting, Salt Lake City, UTAH, USA. - Assistance to the XXIV Centroamerican Congress of Gynecology, San Pedro Sula, Hondu |
Sub-Specializations: (2006-2007) Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine ( Infertility ) at the Instituto Antioqueño de Reproducción InSer, Medellín, Colombia. ( Sept. 2006- Sept. 2007 ); *Research and In Vitro Laboratory training under supervision of Natalia Posada M.D.
Training on Endoscopic Surgery ( Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy ), Bogota Surgeons Society, Health Sciences Foundation, San Jose Hospital, Bogota, Colombia. (Oct.2007- Dic.2007)
Specializations: (Residency) (2003-2006) Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Panama, Panama City ( Metropolitan Hospital, Caja de Seguro Social ) Final Score: 91.4 / 100.
University: (1993-1999) University Pontificia Bolivariana Faculty of Medicine Medellín- Colombia Final Score: 4.32 / 5.0 Obtained Degree: Doctor in Medicine |