Professor of Radiology: 1984-1989 Assistant Professor of Radiology at the University of Panama
1998-1999 Assistant Professor of Radiology at the University of Panama
1998-2010 Head of the Department of Radiology and Images of Columbus University
1991-2010 Faculty Member, Department of Radiology of the Hospital Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid
Work Experience:
20 years of working as Specialist Medical Imaging
2009 Ministry of Health, Representative from the Guilds Medical Technical Board of Health of Panama by the College Panama Medical
2004-2009 Ministry of Health, representative from the Social Security Fund to the Technical Board National Inter-Institutional
2004-2009 Representative from the Social Security Fund in the National Campaign for Early Detection of Breast Cancer
2004-2009 Head of Radiology at the National Social Security Fund of Panama to date
1987-2009 Medical Radiology Specialist First Category Social Security Fund of Panama since 1991 in the Hospital Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid
2006-2009 Specialist Medical Diagnostic Imaging, Hospital Punta Pacifica
1996-2009 Specialist Medical Diagnostic Imaging of offices of America
1988-1992 Specialist Medical Imaging Clinic Metropolis
1987-1989 Specialist in Clinical Imaging San Fernando Hospital
1987 Chief Medical Resident, Department of Radiology of the Hospital Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid from February 1 to July 30, 1987
Medical Resident 1984-1987 Medical Radiology of the Hospital Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid of the Social Security Fund
1982-1984 Medical Intern Social Security Fund of Panama |
University of Panama, School of Medicine, graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1982. 6 years
Social Security Fund, Hospital Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid, Residence of Radiology, Imaging and Graphics Specialist.
Additional Training:
University of Panama, Faculty of Secondary Education with specialization in Medical Sciences, 12 months, 1987.
University of Panama, Faculty of Education, Specialist in Higher Education Graduate Level, 2005, 18 months
University of the Americas, School of Education, Master in Higher Education, on presentation of final work, 2007, 24 months
University of Panama, Japanese Basic Course, 80 credit hours, Faculty of Humanities, year 1988
University of Panama, Intermediate Japanese course, 80 credit hours, Faculty of Humanities, year 1988-1989 |