Dr. Jacob Golomb, Director of the Female Urology & Urodynamics Clinic at Sheba Medical Center, is a senior physician at the Urology Department since 1991.
His clinical experience and expertise include: urogynecology, including surgical treatment of urinary incontinence and vaginal prolapse; surgical treatment of prostate adenoma; urinary tract cancers; urinary tract inflammations; urodynamic examination methods for diagnosing urinary incontinence in women and men.
The Female Urology and Urodynamics Clinic services female patients with a multitude of ailments related to the genitourinary system. All patients undergo a thorough evaluation and diagnostic work-up. The diverse pathologies commonly treated include Urinary Incontinence, Emptying problems and Voiding Dysfunction, painful Bladder Syndrome, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, recurrent Urinary Tract Infections, Urethral Diverticulae and Genitor-Urinary Fistulae.
We run a special clinic in cooperation with the Rehabilitation Center for patients with neuro-urological lesions, such as spinal cord injury, Multiple Sclerosis, post-stroke etc., which comprise a large chunk of the activity of the clinic. Following a meticulous clinical evaluation, patients whose problems are amenable to operative treatment are referred for surgery. For stress urinary incontinence, a multitude of surgical procedures are applied, which are suited to the patient’s condition and needs. These include well- established techniques such as Burch Colposuspension and Pubovaginal Fascial Sling, as well as more up-to-date techniques such as TVT and periurethral injections of bulking agents.
Patients with Neurogenic Urinary Incontinence are treated with Bladder Augmentation Cystoplasty, with great success. Surgical corrective measures are also applied to other pathologies such as Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urethral Diverticulae and Genitor-Urinary Fistulae with very good results.
For patients with urinary incon |