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Hadassah University Medical Center


Jerusalem, Israel

Prof. Dimitrios Karussis

Prof. Dimitrios Karussis

Hadassah University Medical Center
Speciality Neuroimmunology, Bone Marrow Transplantation
Languages English, Hebrew
Graduated 1993 (31 years since graduation)
Education 9/1986: Graduation (MD degree) from "Aristotelion" University, Medical School, Thessaloniki, Greece.

1/1989-12/1993: PhD thesis, in Neuroimmunology / Neurobiology.
Professional Experience 1989-1994: Specialization in clinical Neurology at the department of Neurology, Hadassah, Jerusalem, Israel.

1/4/1997: Lecturer/Researcher C

1/4/1999: Senior Lecturer

6/2003: Associate Professor

1999, 2001, 2003: Teaching (3 hours) in the post-graduation courses on Neurology in Tel Aviv University

2004 – 2007: Teaching courses at the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki and the General Hospital in Athens

2001 – 2007: Teaching courses at the ESNI (European School of Neurology-Immunology) and the ENS, EFNI and ECTRIMS

2004 - today - Senior Fellowship and consultant in B' Neurological department, AHEPA Hospital, Aristotelian University, Thessaloniki, and General Hospital "Genimatas" Athens, Greece

1995-today: Head of the EAE Laboratory in the department of Neurology, Hadassah, Jerusalem.

1998-today: Head of the multi-disciplinary Multiple Sclerosis Clinic and Center in Jerusalem (Hadassah).

2006-today Head of the multi-disciplinary Multiple Sclerosis Center in Jerusalem (Hadassah).
Certifications 8/1994: Boards in Neurology, in Greece and European UnionEEC.

10/1994: Board certification in Clinical Neurology (Israel).

4/1995: Boards Certification in Neurology in Israel.
Memberships 2006-today Head of the multi-disciplinary Multiple Sclerosis Center in Jerusalem (Hadassah).

1998-today: Member of the European "Steering Committee" for Bone Marrow Transplantation in multiple sclerosis.

1999-today: Board member of the European Council and Committee for Treatment and Research In Multiple Sclerosis

1999-today: Member of the Executiveexecutive board and the scientific committee of the European School of Neuroimmunology (ESNI)

2000-today: Member of the Executive board of Israel Society of Neuroimmunology

2000-today: Ad hoc reviewer in several international journals (have reviewed more than 60 papers) including Journal of Neurological Sciences, Multiple sclerosis, Neurology, Annals of Neurology, Journal of Neurology, European journal of Neurology,Journal of Neuroimmunology

1/2001-today: Member of the Advisory MS Board for TEVA-CORAL

4/2002: Organized the second annual meeting of the Israel Society of Ne

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