1968 - B.Sc. in Chemistry (secondary field: physics), The Hebrew University
1970 - M.Sc. in Physical Chemistry. The research work was done at the Physics Department, the Hebrew University, Supervisor, Prof. M. Schieber,
1973 - Visiting Student at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, and at the Institute for Neurobiology KFA, Jülich, Germany, Sponsor, Prof. H. Stieve
1976 - Ph.D. in Physiology (Neurobiology), The Hebrew University, Supervisor, Prof. P. Hillman
1976-8 Postdoctoral Fellow Lab. of Neurophysiology, NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA, Sponsor, Dr. A. Lasansky |
Professional Experience
1974 - 1976 Teaching Assistant and Instructor
1.10.1979 - 1985 Lecturer in Physiology
1986 - 1994 Senior Lecturer in Physiology
1994 - Associate Professor
1968 – 1971 Research Assistant, Physics Department
1976 - 1978 Visiting Fellow, Laboratory of Neurophysiology, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH, USA
Aug. - Sept. 1978 Research Associate at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA
Sept. 1979-Jan. 1980 Honorary Research Fellow, University College, London, UK
Sept. - Oct. 1981 Research Associate, Ruhr University, Bochum, West Germany
Aug. - Nov. 1982 Research Fellow, University College London, UK
July - Aug. 1984 Special Project Associate, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA
July- Sept. 1986 Special Project Associate, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
September 1987 Visiting Scientist, Dept. of Anatomy, University College, London, UK
June 1988 - Visiting Scientist, Department of Physiology, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany
July 1989-Sept. 1990 Visiting Scholar, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
October 1991 - Visiting Scientist, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
September 1992 - Visiting Scientist, Cellular Neurobiology Lab., M. Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine Berlin, Germany
Nov. - Dec. 1992 Special Project Associate, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
July - August 1993 Research Associate, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
Jan. - Feb. 1996 Visiting Scientist, Institute for Brain Research, Leipzig University, Germany |