Rhinoplasty in India - Page 2
Hospitals, clinics and plastic surgeons in India performing Rhinoplasty.
One of the most comprehensive clinics in Bangalore, offering a wide range of medical services, dental services and pharmacy.
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upon request
Fortis Flt. Lt. Rajan Dhall Hospital is a Centre of Excellence for Cardiac Sciences, Renal Sciences, Diabetology, Pulmonology and Thoracic Sciences and a specialty center for Joint Replacement, Genito-urinary, Cosmetic Surgery and Dental care.
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upon request
A "boutique" style 50 bed facility in the heart of New Delhi, which focuses on women’s health, maternity care and cosmetic surgery.
Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery
Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery
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upon request
Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery is performed to correct facial and body abnormalities caused by birth defects, trauma, disease, or aging. It includes a variety of fields such as cosmetic surgery, surgery for clefts, craniofacial surgery, hand surgery, burn surgery and microsurgery.
Listed plastic surgeon:
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
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Rhinoplasty (cosmetic)
2,500 - 3,000 US$
A multispecialty medical facility first in its region to be ISO accredited and maintain a 100% success rate on 200 consecutive heart bypass surgeries.
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upon request