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LASIK Surgery in Barcelona

Hospitals, clinics and medical centers in Barcelona, Spain performing LASIK Surgery.

Cost of LASIK in Spain

Procedure Minimum price Maximum price

Epi-LASIK - per eye

$US 950

$US 2,700

iLASIK - per eye

$US 950

$US 2,700

VISX Wavefront Lasik (intralase) - per eye

$US 500

$US 1,300

VISX Wavefront Lasik (Microkeratome) - per eye

$US 500

$US 750

VISX Custom Lasik (intralase) per eye

$US 1,300

$US 1,400

VISX Custom Lasik (Microkeratome) - per eye

$US 500

$US 600

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Instituto de Microcirugía Ocular (IMO Barcelona)

The Instituto de Microcirugía Ocular (IMO – Institute of Ocular Microsurgery in English) is a leading international ophthalmology centre. Their hallmark is medical excellence and our objective is to provide the best service to the patient.

32 listed ophthalmologists:

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Dr. Borja Corcóstegui

Co-founder and medical director of IMO

Dr. Isabel Nieto

Complex Cataract Specialist


Procedure Prices


upon request

Institut Comtal d'Oftalmologia

Innova Ocular ICO Barcelona is one of the most important ophthalmology and ocular microsurgery institutes in central Barcelona, and an industry leader at both the national and international level.


Procedure Prices


upon request

Instituto Oftalmológico Quirónsalud Dexeus

Institut Omiq Oftalmologia Medica's Medical and Surgical activity is developed in all areas and specialities in Ophthalmology. They provide the most modern, latest and complete diagnostic and therapeutic equipment.

18 listed ophthalmologists:

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Dr. Mercè Guarro MD

OMIQ Medical Director

Dr. Laura Sararols MD

Head of the Vitreo-Retinal Unit


Procedure Prices


upon request

Hospital Quirónsalud Barcelona

Quirónsalud Hospital Barcelona is the benchmark for private healthcare in southern Europe, providing world-class service for the past seventy years.


Procedure Prices


upon request

Hospital General de Catalunya

The Division of Ophthalmology at Hospital General de Catalunya offers a full range of ophthalmic and optical services for children and adults.


Procedure Prices


upon request

Ophthalmology centers in Barcelona (Page 1 of 1)


This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

What is LASIK Eye Surgery?
LASIK - Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis - is a type of refractive eye surgery to correct myopia (short-sightedness), hyperopia (long-sightedness) and astigmatism in order to remove the need for glasses or contact lenses. LASIK eye surgery is carried out with a laser to flatten and reshape the cornea.

How is LASIK Surgery carried out?
The eye is kept open with a clip. First the surgeon creates a flap on the cornea, which is pulled aside. The surgeon remodels the cornea beneath the flap using a laser, which removes tiny amounts of corneal tissue. The flap is put back into place where it heals over time.

What are the chances of success with LASIK surgery?
According to Mayo Clinic, 80 percent of patients have effective corrected vision following LASIK surgery.

How long will LASIK Surgery last?
The effects of LASIK surgery are thought to be permanent.

How should you prepare for LASIK Surgery?
You should not wear rigid gas permeable contact lenses for three weeks prior to LASIK surgery and other types of contact lenses for three days prior to the procedure. Don’t wear eye make up to the surgery.

Duration of procedure/surgery : The LASIK procedure takes less than an hour to complete.

Number of sessions required : It is possible to treat both eyes at the same time, but some surgeons schedule surgery on one eye for a week later.

Days admitted : None. You will leave the doctor’s office a few minutes after the LASIK procedure.

Anesthesia : Local anesthesia and a mild sedative.

Recovery : While you will be able to see immediately following LASIK surgery, your vision may not be completely clear. Vision clears fully in one or two months. Many people return to work and light activities the day after LASIK surgery but you should avoid sport and strenuous activity for a week following the procedure.

Risks : LASIK eye surgery carries some risks but it is a relatively straightforward procedure. Risks include: - Visual side effects which may include halos, double vision, foggy vision, glares and difficulty seeing at night. - Dry eyes. - Over-correction or under-correction of vision. - Infection. - Astigmatism.

After care : - Take antibiotic and anti-inflammatory eye drops for a few weeks following LASIK eye surgery. - Protect the eyes from glare with dark shields. - You may need eye patches at night to prevent infection. - Avoid using eye make up for the first two weeks after LASIK eye surgery and don’t go swimming. - Avoid rubbing your eyes following the procedure.

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