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Eyelid Surgery in Madrid

Hospitals, clinics and plastic surgeons in Madrid, Spain performing Eyelid Surgery.

Cost of Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) in Spain

Procedure Minimum price Maximum price

Lower & Upper Eyelids

$US 3,000

$US 3,900

Lower Eyelid (Lower Blepharoplasty)

$US 2,200

$US 2,800

Upper Eyelid (Upper Blepharoplasty)

$US 1,700

$US 2,800

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Sanitas Hospitales

The Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Service of Sanitas Hospitales is made up of highly qualified professionals to improve the health and beauty of their patients.


Procedure Prices

Eyelid Surgery

upon request

Lower & Upper Eyelids

upon request

Lower Eyelid

upon request

Upper Eyelid

upon request

Nisa Pardo de Aravaca Hospital

A modern (opened in 2007), general, private hospital located in Madrid, part of the NISA group of hospitals. The international patients department can assist patients with accomodation and trasportation, and can communicate in English as well as in Spanish.


Procedure Prices

Eyelid Surgery

upon request

HM Hospitales

HM Hospitales is a hospital group with six private hospitals in Madrid: three general hospitals, a cardiovascular hospital, an oncological center and a women's health hospital.


Procedure Prices

Eyelid Surgery

upon request

Hospital Universitario HM Montepríncipe

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is strongly committed to excellence in patient care and cross-disciplinary research that brings current medical developments into clinical practice.


Procedure Prices

Eyelid Surgery

upon request

Hospital Universitario HM Sanchinarro

It is a branch of Surgery that deals with the surgical correction of any congenital, acquired, tumor or simply involutive process that requires repair or replacement of superficial structures that affect the body shape and function, with criteria of proportionality and aesthetic parameters


Procedure Prices

Eyelid Surgery

upon request

Cosmetic surgery centers in Madrid (Page 1 of 1)

About Eyelid Surgery

This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

What is Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)?
Eyelid surgery is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is used for removing excess skin and fat from around your eyes, giving you a younger, more alert look.

How is Eyelid Surgery performed?
For upper eyelids surgery, cuts are made into the natural lines and creases in your eyelids, and in the wrinkles at the corners of your eyes. For lower eyelids surgery, cuts are made just below your eyelashes and then out into your 'laughter lines' at the corner of your eyes. This means your scars will run along the natural folds of your eyes, which helps in hiding them.

Excess fat, muscle and loose skin are removed, and the cut is closed using fine stitches. If only fat is removed and there is no excess skin, the cut may be made inside the lower eyelids, leaving no visible scar.

Duration of procedure/surgery : Performing the upper or lower blepharoplasty takes about 1 hour. Surgery for both upper and lower eyelids can take 2-3 hours.

Days admitted : Eyelid surgery is usually done as a day case, so you will not stay overnight at the hospital.

Anesthesia : Blepharoplasty is usually performed under local anesthesia with oral sedation. In some cases general anesthesia is used.

Recovery : Most patients experience moderate discoloration that disappears within about 10 days. Swelling peaks on the morning after surgery. While most swelling resolves over the first two weeks, some swelling may remain for several months.

Risks : Severe complications from eyelid surgery are very rare. However, there are risks associated with any minor cosmetic surgery, such as: - hematoma (an accumulation of blood under the skin) - infection - scarring - changes in sensation - damage to underlying structures - allergic reactions - need for revisions due to unsatisfying results

Learn more about Eyelid Surgery

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